Don't know, TBH.Originally posted by traveller:As Tabbs said only a max of three gentlemen per school. Obviously this would be a new thing for a TW game, but you can't have a WW I game w/out them. Allow you to construct trenches on the overworld map and have numerous phases/options (trench depth, bunkers, machine gun depth, etc.). This is where CA would have to take the rudimentary fortifications work they've done in past games like Empire, Medieval,and Rome, and expand it enormously. You need extensive trench work in a WW I game. Factions: France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Russia, Great Britain, U.S., Italy, Japan. The entire breadth of Europe, the Middle East, North America, and even the Asian pacific rim. You could have a more tightly focused, deeper tech tree. You wouldn't have 100 years of tech advancement, but technology advancement during the world wars was incredibly rapid. WW I only lasted 4 years, seems too short for a TW game you say? I think you would simply have a turn take place every month instead of every season would largely solve this. Battelships, destroyers, cruisers, submarines. You could also probably have fewer unit types than Emprire did.

Ship fighting might actually become simpler than in Empire, due to the wind no longer being a factor. Late game tanks would replace them and play much the same role, but slower and with increased durability. The increased ballistics would limit their effectiveness, but they would still play a role just as they always have.

You just upgun everything and increase the distances.

But other than that, they've pretty much figured out how to have armies that fight primarily with guns and artillery. Ballistics would largely be unchanged from Empire, with the obvious difference that the ranges increase greatly, and the caliber of artillery goes up dramatically. I think CA could do it and remain faithful to the TW series, and perhaps make a natural bridge for them to eventually tackle WW II. After playing nearly 200 hours of Empire, I'm convinced that CA could make a WW I game and make it awesome.