But not everyone realizes that Starbound lets you place single blocks of your chosen material in addition to the two-by-two squares placed by default.

Placing blocks in Starbound is pretty self-explanatory. And, as always, if you’ve got additional tips to share with the Starbound community, feel free to leave them down in the comments section! Starbound Building Tips We’ll continue to add to the list as we spend more time with the game, especially as Starbound continues to evolve in the months following launch. Most of these tips will only be useful to new players, or those who’ve spent a long time away from the game, but longtime Starbound fans might find a few tidbits of information they didn’t already know.

Now that the launch build has been out for about a week, we’ve rounded up some tips for those new to Starbound or struggling to acclimate to some of the changes Chucklefish introduced in the latest version. Starbound is finally out of Early Access, after more than two years in the developmental section of Valve’s digital marketplace, and millions of gamers are struggling to make heads or tails of the new and (mostly improved) content introduced in Starbound v1.0.