Skyui skyrim special edition
Skyui skyrim special edition

skyui skyrim special edition

  • Checks if another item in the group has already been processed for that slot (e.g.
  • Checks if at least one item with the same FormID is favourited and in the inventory and skips if not.
  • Checks if the item is on the blacklist and skips if it is.
  • When SkyUI equips a group it performs a number of steps where it: Blacklisted items are kept in the groups, but are not displayed, are skipped when equipping and are eventually overwritten when the group becomes full. When an invalid item is found, InvalidateItem() is triggered to flag that item on the blacklist.

    skyui skyrim special edition

    SkyUI relies on an SKSE event to tell it when an item with the hash ID is no longer in the favourites system and it maintains a blacklist of invalid equipment items. When the item is renamed its hashID changes. As an aside, this is why SkyUI will mix up items with different enchantments or protection levels, but the same name. Items with the same FormID and name will have the same hash ID. SkyUI tracks favourite items using a hash number based on the item FormID (full ID, including load order position) and item name. So, why does this happen? Lets first see what the favourites manager is supposed to do: If you manage to accumulate 32 phantom items in a group, you can also run into the situation where you cannot add any more items to that group. Groups 1 and 5 should always work, with the error potentially occurring in and. You are already wearing an item with the same FormID as the phantom in that body slot (in which case that will unequip).There is an item with for the same body slot as the phantom in the group you're trying to equip (in which case it won't equip) OR.No item with the same FormID as the phantom is favourited or in your inventory AND.

    skyui skyrim special edition

    The group is not the first group where the phantom was stored in a set:.You will now experience the error if you try to equip a group under the following conditions: This results in a phantom item being stored in these groups The item was not removed from its group before the above.Changed FormID (only a problem for mod-added items whose load order changes) AND.Renamed (usually by enchanting or smithing) OR.body, head, ring etc.) in the group (either first added, or taking the position of a previously removed item) AND That item is first of its slot type (e.g.There are two sets for armour etc., one for groups and the other for AND.An equipable item is placed in multiple groups in the following sets:.More specifically, the error will occur under these conditions:

    Skyui skyrim special edition