An icon on the bottom of the screen displays the current damage output. Specs of weapons can be viewed and compared, as well as equipped and unequipped. Weapons: All weapons, grenades, and mines fall in this tab.The menu also displays total caps and carry weight at the bottom of the screen. The inventory menu is a system used for viewing and managing collected items. The levels of their SPECIAL attributes are shown in a separate tab, with a third tab displaying various perks they have acquired. The statistics menu, or 'Stats', shows the user's damage and resistance, health, AP, experience, and limb condition. Additionally, it integrates with the onboard computers of Power Armor, allowing a user to access their Pip-Boy from within the armor via a HUD-like on-visor display.

Pip-OS supports some model of multitasking, as user health notifications, munitions monitoring, quest tracking, and audio playback can all be executed concurrently.

Though several executable games are found in the Commonwealth, no boot disks are known to exist. The system supports booting from holotape instead of onboard ROM.